A Course in Miracles For Dummies

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"This is a GREAT tool. Every student of ACIM will want this. The author has made an exhaustive effort with this amplification of the course. As we all know, ACIM is multi-level and can sometimes be difficult to understand. In the tradition of the "Dummies" books, this is a wonderful help to my study.... Highly recommended."

"I have been a student of ACIM for almost 20 years. Tom Wakechild's notes have been a God's send in clearing up difficult passages for me. I highly recommend 'A Course in Miracles for Dummies.'"

"This book provides an insightful student of the Course assistance in understanding some of the Text's passages. Having studied the Course for over 25 years, reading of the Text may seem tedious at times, but for the most part, ACIM for Dummies is invaluable to clarify what various words refer to. For me the "notes" are more than worth the price of this ebook and could easily serve to support individual study or be the focus for a group discussion. I facilitated a group for 18 years in Colorado and am enthused about starting another group using ACIM for Dummies! It left me hoping for an expanded version that includes the Workbook and Manual for Teachers."

Here is a personal story that demonstrates the value of A Course in Miracles for Dummies and how it can change someone's life:

"In my ACIM class, this paragraph  below (T-4.II.2) was utilized by the teacher to claim that we were responsible for other people's actions and problems. He stated that the third sentence “Their interaction is a process that alters both...” refereed to our physical interaction with others and that we were responsible for our brother's actions. Because of our interaction with others, we had a duty to judge and correct others. He stated we had a responsibility to fix them and that we were our brother's keeper as well as the guardians for the planet. Although this explanation didn't “feel” right, who was I to question the teacher. Yet, since I had ACIM for Dummies, I was able to point out what the words were actually referencing. When we examined the text closely, it was obvious to all that the words “their” and “both” referenced the egos we create within our own mind. It was this interaction of the egos that I had created for all within my own mind that was the problem. My mind's thinking needed correction. I needed to stop seeing myself or anyone else as a body, a victim or limited.  I did not have to save the planet. Instead of making someone wrong or claiming they were an innocent victim, it now became my responsibility to hold the truth about myself and my sinless brother. This was a mind changing moment since it meant I was responsible for the egos I create within my world of perception, but not for other people's actions. All events are neutral.  We can allow without engaging in either blame or guilt. To do so only makes the illusion that we are a body appear real. Because I had ACIM for Dummies, I was able to feel confident enough to challenge the instructor's understanding and help him remove the burden of guilt that had always haunted him. We are not a failure because we do not solve someone's perceived problems. We are responsible for own thinking. Instead of judging and correcting others, we need only correct our error in thinking and our mind will be healed. By holding the truth for all, we can aid another without blame, guilt or making them wrong."

Below shows how ACIM for Dummies helped unlock and correct this misunderstood Text reference.

The actual text passage
T-4.II.2. Everyone makes an ego or a self for himself, which is subject to enormous variation because of its instability. 2 He also makes an ego for everyone else he perceives, which is equally variable.  3 Their interaction is a process that alters both, because they were not made by or with the Unalterable. 4 It is important to realize that this alteration can and does occur as readily when the interaction takes place in the mind as when it involves physical proximity. 5 Thinking about another ego is as effective in changing relative perception as is physical interaction. 6 There could be no better example that the ego is only an idea and not a fact.
Below is a clarified version of the text found in ACIM For Dummies.
T-4.II.2. Everyone makes an ego or a self for himself, which is subject to enormous variation because of the ego’s instability. 2 He also makes an ego for everyone else he perceives, which is equally variable or unstable.  3 Their interaction (your own ego and the ego you made for someone else) is a process that alters both, because they were not made by or with the Unalterable. 4 It is important to realize that this alteration can and does occur as readily when the interaction takes place in the mind as when the interaction involves physical proximity. 5 Thinking about another ego is as effective in changing relative perception as is physical interaction. 6 There could be no better example that the ego is only an idea and not a fact.
ACIM For Dummies Explanatory Note #18
We create our ego, which determines how we perceive ourselves to be. We also create an ego for everyone else. Perception, since it is not knowledge, is subject to change based on the mind of the perceiver Since these egos are our own perception which is subject to change, the egos that we make and project upon ourselves and others are unstable and subject to change. Being only thought projections, egos represent the idea that we hold in our mind about any subject. It is our story, not the “facts.” As we change our thinking we change our perception of what we believe, thus, also, changing our ego projections. Our perception forms the basis for our own “provisional reality”, “dream state” or ”illusionary world.” By changing our thinking, we can change our “provisional reality.”

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